Lunch Menu

We hope you all enjoy your last few days of break. School will resume Monday, January 7th, on regular schedule. Hard to believe we are half way through the school year! We can’t wait to see everyone Monday!

Students will be dismissed at 11:00 on Friday, December 21st for Winter Break. Buses will run, but breakfast and lunch will not be served. Students will return on Monday, January 7th. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!

Alayna won Principal for the Day at the Fall Festival Auction. She did a great job being "principal"!

December Students of the Month

First place winner of the Food Drive is Mrs. Crystal Lock’s Third Grade Class. Thank you to everyone who donated. We collected over 1,000 items!

Tomorrow is the last day to order yearbooks for $30.00. After tomorrow the price will increase to $40.00.

Congratulations to Mrs. Cindy Taylor’s fifth grade class and Mrs. Crystal Lock’s third grade class. Both classes earned first place in the county for each grade level in Walk Across TN.

December 14 we will be having a free animal education program. Please fill out this yellow paper for permission to attend. The program is free. If you would like to purchase a picture of your child holding one of the animals please read the bottom portion and mark the appropriate place. Please send your money for the picture part back with the form. Everyone will get attend just the photo part is optional.

Lots of events added today. Please check our app or website.

December lunch menu has been added to our documents on our website or app. Also, please check the events as well for updates.

Very proud of our November students of the month.

All order forms and money is due tomorrow for the Choctaw Apparel Sale. Thank you for all of those that have sold. Orders should be in before Christmas Break!

We hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving Break! Please be sure to check our website often for events. December is a busy time and we will post all upcoming events. Can’t wait to see everyone in the morning!!!

Remember we are out for Thanksgiving Break November 19-23. We hope everyone has a great holiday. School resumes November 26th.

Food Drive

Join us for PTO meeting tomorrow at 3:45 in the cafeteria. We will be discussing ways to help in December and sharing our successes from the Fall Festival.

We are having a Choctaw apparel sale. Great prices and taxes are included! Forms were sent home today.

Get a jump start on Christmas Shopping! Help spread the word.

Canned Food Drive starts tomorrow. Please consider donating to help those in need.